Welcome to The Women in HR Initiative
(Mon - Friday)
Ogudu GRA, Lagos.

Self Development

WIHR seeks to constantly remind the women that she can be more because she is built for more.

Family/Career Balance

Learning how to have both: An extraordinary career and a healthy, happy family life.

Impact and Organization

Navigating the indices for meaningful social impact and organizational success.

Our passion is to see you succeed

Designed to assist women in building the right competence , character and persona to navigate challenges in HR their career path to organizational impact via.

Training – Live sessions - Webinars - Interactive sessions.
Monthly Induction Program
Mentor/Mentee Program
Annual Conferences
Program effectiveness

Join The Initiative

Register and join like minded HR Women.

Get Groomed

Receive exceptional training to stand you out. 

Make Impact

Become unparalleled socially, career and family wise.
